give me five Jem Vatican teach you correct cleaning down jacket!

Winter is coming, down jacket is warm and good, but how to properly clean down jacket, this is a problem. Incorrect washing method, washed down the beloved down jacket! GMF children's clothing here to teach you a washing method, their own home can easily be done on the down jacket cleaning, and there is no any white stains exist: 1. First to prepare a pot of warm water, and your hand temperature can be about , Do not over-hot, and in the water into the right amount of liquid laundry detergent. 2. Put the down jacket inside soak for 10 minutes after cleaning, pay attention, do not rub the clothes with your hand, dirty place must use a soft brush or brush to brush can not, the key parts and not dirty Place to brush down. 3. After brushing, do not twist the twist to squeeze the water, squeeze down the next, you can use the water first over, the liquid detergent wash away. 4. When cleaning the second time, now is the trick of the time, dropping vinegar in the water, the family can eat rice vinegar, the general amount of cooking (a bottle of this) is almost the same, down jacket on Soak for 5-10 minutes inside, roughly rubbed, pay attention when dry, do not twist the twist to twist the same, squeezed along the lines of both hands can be, hanging to dry. 5. And must not be placed in the sun exposure, on the place of ventilation can be, after drying, we will find the clothes are flat, nor fluffy, Oh, and now to teach a little trick to remove the clothes, flat On the bed, with a large area of ​​the clothes racquets, beats all over, and soon you will find that down jacket to restore a clean and soft appearance, and no smell and ugly white stain Oh! Down is the main ingredient of protein, put it into the dry-cleaning shop after drying, feather easily become brittle, broken, drilled out from the seam, is the so-called running hair. The next time you wear it, it's not as warm as before. At home wash as long as the above points to ensure that they are clean and warm. National Merchants Hotline: turn 529 Mobile: Contact: Manager Li

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