The hot and hidden worry of the agarwood market

In recent years, with the popularization of related knowledge, a variety of art and crafts of Aquilaria have gradually become popular goods in the collection market. As a collection with a long history, a wide range of uses, and a certain mystery, the agarwood is not low in its collection. Especially in the agarwood auction market, the transaction price is often several times or even dozens of times. Along with the continuous development of agarwood, there are also many problems in the agarwood market. What is the current status of the agarwood market? What are the chaos in the market? How to avoid collection risks?


From high-end collections to national attention

At present, with the shortage of wild agarwood resources, the amount of agarwood produced by the major agarwood producing areas is less than before. Some agarwood producing areas have even been difficult to produce agarwood. The agarwood market is in the hands of collectors and investors. period.

According to relevant statistics, since 2016, the products of Aquilaria products have increased by nearly 7% compared with previous years. The various exhibitions of Aquilaria have also increased significantly compared with previous years, far surpassing the annual jewelry exhibitions. Not only that, Beijing and Anhui have successively opened. The Agarwood Museum has opened the road to the rejuvenation of the agarwood culture. This popularizes the knowledge of agarwood and stimulates people's desire for the wealth of agarwood. With the public's understanding and awareness of agarwood, collection consumption will be more enthusiastic.

Sun Yuhui, the founder of Xiang Zhizun, believes that the current agarwood market has seen three changes compared with the past. First, the collection and consumption fashion has changed from high-end groups to mass trends. Second, the real market demand has moved from the previous single collection. The direction of health and fashion has changed. The third is that it has changed from the collection of agarwood raw materials and artworks to the direction of small pieces of agarwood products.

The current market situation is that the consumer index of the agarwood public collection is much larger than the agarwood collection index, accounting for the vast majority of the agarwood market. China's fragrant culture has just revived, and the collection market is hot. With the transformation of the diversified forms of agarwood products, Aquilaria is no longer unique to high-end groups. Due to the involvement of the mass collection group, the popularity of small and medium-sized products such as agarwood ornaments, ornaments and incense sticks Will rise and gradually form a mass trend, or will dominate the market.

In addition, since the second half of 2015, the development speed of the agarwood industry has shown signs of slowing down, and the volume of transactions has begun to decline. The quality of agarwood and the poor quality of agarwood have become more and more obvious. The price gap, the price of high-quality agarwood is still rising, while the low-quality agarwood, and some have appeared the price decline.

Sun Yuhui analyzed that the emergence of this situation is the inevitable result of the development of the agarwood market to a certain extent. The current agarwood market is experiencing a reshuffle. After the shuffling, the agarwood merchants that can stand the test of the market will continue to survive. The agarwood merchants that cannot stand the test may be eliminated, and the agarwood market will be more orderly. The direction of development.

Encountering the dilemma, the agarwood market needs to be adjusted

Some people in the agarwood industry expressed concern when people turned their eyes to the agarwood market.

Sun Yuhui pointed out that from the appearance, the Shenxiang investment market is booming and flourishing. However, in reality, the market is chaotic, such as shoddy, fake, and expensive products. These dilemmas facing the agarwood market are not accidental, and are the result of the combination of internal and external factors.

First of all, the agarwood resources are increasingly scarce, raw materials are restricted to export, and the wild agarwood market will encounter “no rice”. Agarwood belongs to the resource-based industry. The first major dilemma faced by the agarwood industry is the resource dilemma. The tightening of international policies is a crucial reason. At present, Vietnam's fine agarwood production is less than 10 kilograms per year, and exports have been banned, while other agarwood producing areas in Southeast Asia, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia and other places, are also in a state of tension and restrict wild agarwood exports. quantity. So far, this international export control policy is still in a tight state.

Secondly, a large number of artificial agarwoods have been listed, which has caused a certain impact on the wild agarwood market. As we all know, the artificial planting of agarwood is very different from the natural wild agarwood in terms of the degree of aroma, the aroma, the artistic value and the cultural value. The artificial agarwood basically has no investment value. However, many consumers do not understand that, whether online or offline, many sales platforms have a large number of fake agarwood and artificial agarwood products such as beads and bracelets made by artificially planting agarwood, and they are mostly under 1,000 yuan. This not only disturbs the price of the wild agarwood market, but also causes many consumers to misunderstand the price of wild agarwood. It not only brings economic losses to collectors, but also causes price confusion in the agarwood market and disturbs the eyes of agarwood lovers. .

Thirdly, the agarwood market lacks supervision and lacks an appraisal mechanism. There is no authoritative industry standard and rating, and there is no effective identification method. The lack of transparent information sources and regulatory measures in the agarwood market has caused the market to “follow the wind”. The gaps in laws and regulations and the lack of corresponding identification knowledge and detection methods for agarwood by law enforcement agencies have also led to the prevalence of false agarwood in circulation.

Finally, the price difference is large and the pricing standards are different. The price of agarwood is generally determined by oil content, production area and quality. Different quality agarwoods have different prices. One reason for the confusion of agarwood prices is the price gap of distributors. The same quality agarwood products, different dealers to sell, the price will be different, for example, some of the large business places to sell the agarwood, even in the same production area as the real agarwood, the same weight, the price will be the general professional agarwood retail Double the business. Some retailers who have just entered the market do not understand the price and cause of agarwood, and arbitrarily label the origin and price, which is one of the important factors in the price gap of agarwood.

Master the identification skills to avoid market chaos

Due to the uneven quality of agarwood, the price of agarwood on the market is also very different. In addition, the agarwood market is mixed with fakes and fakes. It is necessary to correctly identify the value of agarwood and buy value-for-money agarwood at a reasonable price. Difficult to add. Therefore, in the price of agarwood of different heights, knowing how to identify and identify is more conducive to the agarwood lovers to collect agarwood.

Sun Yuhui said that there is currently no authoritative identification institution in the agarwood market and the industry is still not standardized. To identify whether it is true agarwood, you must understand the basic "anti-counterfeit label" and master simple anti-counterfeiting techniques: At first glance, the general water sink is dark brown and dark blue. The real agarwood is the longer the color, the deeper the color. As for the agarwood jewelry that is lighter or faded, it is definitely a fake. Second, the surface of fake agarwood is often coated with flavors or other chemical raw materials, etc., its taste is particularly pungent, natural agarwood is the pure fragrance of nature, it is more and more fragrant. Three touches, the real agarwood is looking greasy, but it doesn't touch the hand, but the fake is not. Finally, don't take the ups and downs on the truth. Nowadays, some unscrupulous businessmen on the market can make fake wood by sinking with the use of miscellaneous wood syrup and sesame oil. Therefore, judging whether the fragrant wood is submerged or not is not scientific.

Sun Yuhui also made recommendations for the identification of agarwood products. Nowadays, the agarwood products on the market are mostly based on the agarwood beads, and there are four methods to identify them: whether the agar lines are natural. The true agarwood is naturally grown, the surface of the stripes, the number of spots, the depth and direction are irregular. Therefore, the bead pattern is particularly smooth, so there must be problems. Second, see if the agarwood color is normal. Agarwood is oil black wood white, wood with oil, white with black. Individual products have a black appearance because they contain a lot of oil. If the agarwood lovers see the pure black "Agarwood bracelet", the price is only a few hundred yuan or a few thousand dollars, then it must be fake. Third, look at the weight of the agarwood, the real agarwood in addition to the Qi Nan class will be heavier, most of the other wood bracelets are lighter, and the artificial fake agarwood, not only the color will turn black, and the density of the injection of syrup, sesame oil is greatly increased, often take There is a heavy feeling in my hand. Fourth, see if the purchased agarwood fades, the fake agarwood will basically fade, and it will be dyed on the wrist. Its black color is generally limited to the surface, and it is still colorless white wood. When distinguishing such bracelets, try rubbing them with a damp cotton cloth dampened with water to see if there is any fade.

Sun Yuhui said that when investing in agarwood, we must not only see one-sided prosperity, but also go deep into the essence, see the chaos in the agarwood market, and then rationally avoid risks.

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