Chongqing clothing enterprises "home door" can purchase original accessories costs are expected to drop more than 40%

In the future, the production cost of Chongqing garment enterprises is expected to decrease by more than 40%. Today (16), the reporter learned from the Management Committee of Chongqing Maliuyanjiang Development Zone in Banan District that the Shangmeng Garment Industry Support Center in Banan Mudong Garment Industry Base officially opened the street, with more than 160 surface accessories and more than 40 The garment production R&D department and more than 10 food and beverage supporting enterprises opened their doors, and the whole industry chain cluster developed into the fast lane. This means that Chongqing garment enterprises have a professional procurement base of raw materials, real estate garment processing costs are expected to reduce by 30% -40%. ,

Clothing fabric

Clothing fabric

Merchant: The factory door can purchase surface accessories to save time and logistics costs.

“Before purchasing fabrics in the Chaotianmen market, there were many narrow roads, and it was only a few hours. Now, when you place an order at any time, the fabric dealers will be able to send them immediately.” A well-known brand of Qipai clothing that has been doing garment processing for more than 20 years in Chaotianmen. Founder Zhong Rong exclaimed.

Zhong Rong introduced that since Chongqing clothing is fast-moving and fast-selling, it was the same day in the Chaotianmen market. It takes a few hours to enter and exit the market every day. The terrain of the climber is all carried by manpower and the cost is increased.

What makes the bosses of Chaotianmen Real Estate Garment Processing Enterprise a headache is that due to the unified operation, the Tianmen Market will be closed at 3 pm, and the fabrics will not be available, and the customer’s delivery needs will be missed. .

Nowadays, there is a supporting center for surface materials in the light textile base. Enterprises can select fabrics at the door of the factory and deliver them at any time, which greatly saves time and logistics and distribution costs.

He Jinxian, deputy general manager of Shangmeng Chongqing Fashion Industry Park, said that 30% of these surface accessories manufacturers are direct supply from Zhejiang Keqiao and Fujian Shishi, as well as Chongqing local and even imported surface accessories from South Korea. Ordering is faster and saves on logistics costs.

Affordable: three years of rent-free, also set up a fund pool service enterprise production cost reduced by 40%

In addition to direct sales of surface accessories, Shangmeng Chongqing Fashion Industry Park has also launched a series of preferential policies for face and accessories enterprises, including providing three-year free rent and issuing operating subsidies. Compared with the original, a business can save about 1 million yuan a year. The final feedback to the garment manufacturing company is expected to save 30% of the cost.

He Jinxian revealed that this year, Shangmeng Chongqing Fashion Industry Park will also launch supply chain finance. Through the establishment of fund pools, it will promote the transaction of both sides and purchases of raw materials. It is estimated that the fund pool will be around 200 million yuan. By then, the cost of Chongqing garment enterprises will be At least 40% reduction.

In addition, in order to promote the effective operation of the garment industry supporting center and benign development, Shangmeng Chongqing Fashion Industry Park also launched a cash subsidy activity for customers. We will provide cash subsidies to the in-service designers, buyers and drivers of Chongqing garment manufacturing enterprises who purchase the accessories from the Shangmeng Garment Industry Supporting Center. The subsidy amount ranges from 50 to 100 yuan per day.

Industry: Service enterprises gather in Chongqing "new home" full industrial chain platform to help butterfly change

The garment industry is one of the representative industries in Chongqing. The city is one of the four women's bases in the country, with the largest production scale in the west.

"But behind these glamorous achievements, there are many unspeakable bitterness." According to the relevant person in charge of the Chongqing Garment Association, "Chongqing has more than 1,000 garment enterprises, which were mainly scattered four kilometers from the South Bank to eight kilometers along the Banan District. By renting farmer's houses or residential houses for 'three-in-one' production, it is not safe and standardized. Due to limited production sites, sometimes some orders have to be pushed out during the peak season."

However, such a situation has been fundamentally changed with the expansion of the two major garment professional parks in the Banyan River Development Zone in Banan, Chongqing (China) Light Textile Clothing City and Shangmeng Chongqing Fashion Industrial Park, and the realization of benign operation.

It is understood that under the strong support of the municipal party committee and municipal government, Banan District has planned and constructed the Chongqing Light Industry Industrial Base in the Mudong Formation of the Muliuyan Development Zone, focusing on the development of textile garments and related industries. It has gathered the largest and largest number of garment enterprises in the city. It has initially formed the only garment industry cluster in the city. It is estimated that by 2020, it will achieve an output value of more than 5 billion yuan and solve more than 20,000 jobs.

"We also hope to integrate international resources and let the sects go further." The relevant person in charge of the Chongqing Fashion Industry Park said that they will integrate international resources and actively connect with international fashion industry associations such as Paris and Milan to introduce R&D design. , and exhibitions and other high-quality resources to achieve information sharing. Through the global resource allocation, fill the gaps in the high-end links of the industrial chain, and promote the transformation of Chongqing clothing from “self-circulation” to “connecting the world”.

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Editor in charge: Liu Xiaomei

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