What should I pay attention to when buying sliding door glass?

[China Glass Network] With the increase in demand for home improvement, a large number of stores are emerging one after another, with many brands and more miscellaneous brands. Some stores are not profitable in terms of profitability, and they use some fake products to make profits. Here are some sliding doors and Some considerations for glass purchases.

Glass common sense

When choosing the glass for home decoration, don't let the decoration company arrange it. Don't think that the glass is not used much at home. It will not attract attention! The glass itself has certain danger. If the inferior glass is not touched, Will be oxidized with the increase of time, as the saying goes, it is fragile! And some decoration companies in order to save money, even use some brand of glass to replace! At that time can not see the situation, but there will be some situation in the future! ! Should be paid attention to! ! !

Some requirements when choosing glass

Therefore, when decorating, the glass either needs the decoration certificate provided by the decoration company to provide the glass (the regular glass manufacturer has the product qualification book, and the opposite is not the quality). It must choose the choice of the regular brand glass! It will not cost too much. But my heart is steady! !

Glass grade classification

Now let's say some things to pay attention to when choosing glass. There are three types of glass grade: recycled glass, lattice glass, and float glass. Among them, float glass is better, and so on! First, the inferior recycled glass, as its name suggests, is made of recycled broken glass, with small waves on the surface (observed at an angle of 45°) with small bubbles on the surface and fragile. The grid glass has impurities in itself, and the color is dark, but it is transparent, but it is much darker than the float glass and has no softness than the float glass. Float glass, extracted from quartz stone, the glass has good transparency, the color is slightly green, and has a certain degree of softness. It can achieve a certain degree of bending than the lattice glass, and the recycled glass has good bearing capacity. It is popular to say that when a certain amount of force is applied to a piece of glass, when the glass has a certain bending force, the part is unloaded, and the bearing force is strong.

Talking about craft glass

With the advancement of the times, the variety of home decoration styles, craft glass appeared. As the style of craft glass increases, more designers like to put the craft glass in their own style.

There is a growing need for process glass, and some manufacturers have extended their small hands to the emerging industry of process glass. For the sake of profit, the natural raw materials are replaced by recycled glass, so that some obvious features of the recycled glass are covered by the pattern. Owners who don't understand this piece will be attracted by low prices. At the same time, most decorating companies will choose this kind of product in the case of contract work, after all, the price is too low. However, the obvious disadvantage of this process glass is that the pattern work is not delicate, which is much worse than the regular manufacturers. There are a lot of wrecks.

The glass produced by regular manufacturers, such as Shanghai Hengyi Glass, not only uses standard float glass as raw material, but also pays attention to the process, and the workmanship requirements are very strict. The overall pattern has good transparency. The pattern bumps are full of touch.

Sliding door selection

By the same token, many inferior sliding glass must use low-cost recycled glass. Then the choice of frame will use very poor material, small thickness, inferior border, and cheap, but it will quickly become a problem. For example, if the pulley is sluggish, the sound is loud, and the frame is deformed, there will be problems. When something goes wrong, you will find out how wrong it was to choose a low-cost sliding door.

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