Cashmere sweater is really difficult to distinguish! come and see


A Mr. Wang, who sells cashmere sweaters, revealed

Cashmere sweaters and dragons are mixed on the market.

The price and quality are very different

Sometimes the so-called low price, high quality

In fact, the hidden behind is the inferior or counterfeit product! ! !

Lie One: Hundreds only because of the loss of sales

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In an online shop, a cashmere sweater sold particularly well. A total of 38,700 pieces were sold this month. The reason for its good sales is that the promotion slogan is particularly loud: the anti-season clearance, 1 for 89 yuan, and the second for only 1 yuan! That is to say, it is only 45 yuan for each piece.

There is a red box next to this slogan, clearly spelling "Below Double 11". Afterwards, the reporter searched on the online shop, and there were many cashmere sweaters with unit prices ranging from RMB 30 to 40, and they were very popular among consumers.

"This is simply not possible." Mr. Wang said that first of all it is winter. It is the peak season for sales of cashmere sweaters. There is no "clear-season clearance." Second, the price of cashmere is very high. Even if it is a real cashmere sweater, the price should be between five and six hundred yuan. Below this price, even if it is only 30 or 40 yuan, it is impossible.

Lie II: purely from the sheep!

When buying cashmere sweaters, many consumers will be attracted by such words as product introductions or labels. Do not think that you have bought a pure cashmere sweater, you may be cheated again.

Mr. Wang introduced that, with the popularization of common people’s consumption knowledge, fake cashmere sweaters on the market are no longer simply using chemical fiber to impersonate as they used to, and they have also been upgraded. Now there are probably several situations: one is using wool mixed with rabbits. One is wool mixed with fiber, in order to achieve a soft effect plus softener, so feels feel good.

This "cashmere sweater" has wool components, so it is difficult for consumers to understand simple common sense. Because everybody routinely distinguishes cashmere sweaters by means of fire, wool burns and cashmere is a flavor. In addition, wool does appear on the sheep, so even if it is identified, it is hard to defend it.

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Lies 3: Cashmere sweaters can contain a pound of cashmere!

When browsing the shop, the reporter saw a product with such an introduction. This kind of discourse is very convincing and gives everyone the feeling that the material quality is not bad.

However, Mr. Wang said that ordinary consumers are very reassuring when they see the merchant’s commitment to such weight. It is not. First of all, cashmere is very light, a cashmere sweater is 280-350 grams, which is 0.56-0.7 pounds, there is no 1 pound cashmere sweater, some thick cashmere men's trousers to reach 1 pound of cashmere.

Second, it needs to be understood that wool is heavier than cashmere, and the products that can be used to promote this kind of propaganda are likely to be made of wool instead of pure cashmere.

Bargains may be "Cashmere black three categories"

Industry insiders told everyone to beware of "cashmere black three categories": In addition to the fake cashmere mentioned above, there are imitation cashmere and cashmere!

Imitation cashmere

"Imitation cashmere" is imitation of cashmere. It is made of acrylic fiber through a special process to make it have a smooth, soft and elastic feel similar to cashmere. It has more vivid and rich colors than cashmere, and it has obvious electrostatic phenomenon in the clothes. The cost of this raw material is low, and there are a large number of cashmere fabrics on the market, and the price is mostly below 100 yuan.

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