McConnell Cowboys - The "Grassroots Heroes" of the Common Denim Cowboys

The wear-resistant, dirt-resistant, and extremely popular clothing of cowboys is reaching deep into the lives of almost everybody, such as ordinary people, and become an indispensable part of them. Looking at the current domestic denim market, the brand distribution is quite obvious. It is mainly divided into first-line international brands, second-tier domestic brands and third-tier brands, among which the second-line domestic brands occupy the most extensive market.

First-line international brands are overwhelming. Some of the major foreign brands basically occupy major domestic and medium-sized shopping malls. However, due to the high-end denim brand's feeling of being overwhelmed and the limited number of consumers, its market sales can only occupy the top of the cowboy pyramid. , involving the high-end brand share of the market share of the footsteps.
Third-line miscellaneous brand crude manufacturing miscellaneous brand legions mainly in the streets of private stores, wholesale markets, its shopping environment is chaotic, not only does not regulate the price of customization, and its inferior quality makes fashion crowd charm discount, not to mention after-sales service. The marketing strategy of third-tier brands is basically one-time consumption, and it is difficult to occupy a large market share.

Second-tier domestic brands are looking for new outlets in the balance Faced with the majority of market share between first-tier international brands and third-tier brands, second-tier domestic brands have emerged. The second-line brands cling to the mass market, avoiding the high-price strategies of first-tier international brands and avoiding the risk of poor quality of the no-name legions. They not only extend the quality, service, and spiritual enjoyment to the first-line brands, but also satisfy the mass consumption at a reasonable price position. Demand, its market positioning will surely make second-tier domestic brands occupy the bottom of the cowboy pyramid.
Mai Hao is committed to creating a "grassroots hero" in the civilian denim industry
Since the establishment of McCutchon Cowboys, its market research team has thoroughly studied the laws of the jeans market cycle with its wealth of experience, and has successfully finalized the market position of the "popular" McCutcheon denim, striving to balance quality, spiritual enjoyment and money costs. With a strong brand quality and reasonable pricing strategy, the brand has formed a large number of loyal consumer groups. However, in many second-tier brands, how does McConnell stand out? How to create a "grassroots hero" in the civilian denim industry? In this regard, McCain cowboy took a two-step strategy.
In the first step, the product wins McLean Cowboys mainly for young adults aged 15 to 35 who are pursuing fashion tastes. They have been following the three keywords “fashion”, “quality” and “comfortable”, and have combined European and American styles in product design. With aesthetic characteristics and diversity as the main design features, while perfectly embodying the three main themes of “innovation, fashion, and fashion”, it also highlights the individuation and fashion of the products, with brave and free-spirited brand personality and surrealism. The unique style increases the identification of strong wheat bran brand.

In the second step, the model wins over the brand strategy. McCain adopts the brand-sharing operation system. The dealer enjoys the right to use McDonald's mature trademark, visual identity system (VI), and corporate behavior identification system (CI). As a result, the brand's appeal and appeal have been greatly improved. In the promotion strategy, McCain cowboy as a big brand, has a good brand effect, coupled with the huge advertising costs of the headquarters investment, without publicity, there can be a large number of consumer groups. Television, newspapers, the Internet, magazines and other advertising methods, so that different groups can learn the latest developments in McCain.
In terms of operation strategy, the chain operation mode provides dealers with tailor-made operation plans and conducts training, tracking and post-analysis on various implementation details such as opening, management, sales, and post-service. At the same time, based on the changes in market characteristics and consumption characteristics, McCain’s headquarters also provided a steady stream of operational support from time to time, significantly increasing the ability of operators to control the market.
Mai Chen Cowboy official website:

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